samedi 14 avril 2007

Je croyais être assez bon buveur et boire d'la bière forte mais après ces stats je me sens tout petit:(

*Bavarian brewer Harald Schneider, from southern Germany, brewed a beer that was 25.4% alcohol.

*Steven Petrosino of New Cumberland, Pennsylvania on June 22nd, 1977, drank 1 liter of beer in 1.3 seconds. Peter G. Dowdeswell of Earls Barton drank two liters in 6.0 seconds on February 7th, 1975 (1979).

*An unidentified middle-aged Latvian man was unconscious but stable after a blood test showed 7.22 parts per million (0.7%) of alcohol, police spokeswoman Ieva Zvidre said. “An average person would vomit at around 1.2, lose consciousness at 3.0 and stop breathing at a level of about 4.0 parts per million” Zvidre said (2003).

*A 4 year old boy, Joesph Sweet, in Wolverhampton, England, in died 1827 from alcohol poisoning, reported in the Stafford Assizes case R. v. Martin (1979).

1 commentaire:

Calamité Jane a dit...

ya des choses dans la vie que je comprend pas.
comment tu peux boire 1 litre en 1.3 secondes osti